sábado, 24 de dezembro de 2011


Prezado senhor Presidente Barack Obama

Recebi com muita alegria e admiração as suas cartas, uma onde o seu assessor pergunta aos norte americanos qual a importância que tem 40 dólares mensais no orçamento de cada um e a sua carta comentando a resposta popular.

Obviamente o resultado não poderia ser outro.  Afinal de contas, a maioria republicana no Congresso, que só cuida dos interesses da minoria rica, é eleita com o voto da maioria pobre, exatamente como acontece aqui no Brasil.

A insuperável mobilização e pressão popular, em resposta à sua carta, demoveu os congressistas do seu jogo de impedir as ações de seu governo em defesa dos interesses dos mais pobres e que mais precisam, visando unicamente enriquecer, ainda mais, os mais ricos.

A falta de uma legítima representação popular do povo norte americano no Congresso é um terrível mal que assola também o meu país, ampliando sempre o imenso abismo que existe entre ricos e pobres, perpetuando, assim, a imensa desigualdade e injustiça social.

Aqui no Brasil, também os políticos eleitos com o voto da maioria pobre só defendem os interessas da classe dominante, porque são eles, os mais ricos, que financiam as campanhas políticas e ainda compram com muita propina o voto parlamentar.

Com as suas atitudes fortes e inteligentes em defesa do seu povo, a meu ver, o senhor se torna um dos melhores Presidentes da História do seu país.

Só falta agora o senhor assegurar ao seu povo e ao seu governo a necessária soberania política, econômica, financeira e social, devolvendo ao Departamento do Tesouro o poder de emitir a moeda norte americana e de controlar o seu fluxo, acabando de uma vez com o poder absoluto e genocida dos usurários banqueiros, donos do FED, sobre os povos por eles oprimidos e massacrados, no mundo inteiro.

Sua linda família, sua esposa e suas filhas, têm o mais justo motivo de se orgulhar do senhor e terá muito mais ainda, sendo a família do homem que libertou o mundo da usura assassina dos banqueiros que controlam, ha séculos, a economia e o sistema financeiro globais.


Luiz Eladio Humbert

Como sempre, a imprensa patronal daqui noticiou e comentou esse fato superficialmente, informando apenas que o Presidente Obama obtivera uma inesperada vitória no Congresso, de maioria republicana, e que  ia passar as festas de fim de ano com a família no  Havaí.

Para uma honesta informação, incapaz de ser prestada pela imprensa patronal, publicamos abaixo as duas cartas enviadas pela Casa Branca. 


The White House, Washington

Hello --
We've been fighting for months to make sure taxes on the middle class don't go up on January 1st.
This weekend, Democrats and Republicans in the Senate came together, compromised, and took a giant step to avoid just that. In fact, 89 senators approved an extension of the payroll tax cut. And 39 of them were Republicans, including GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell.
But now, a faction of Republicans in the House refuses to even vote on that compromise. And they're on the brink of allowing taxes to go up on 160 million Americans.
Here's part of the problem: A lot of people in Washington don't understand what these tax cuts mean. A typical family gets about $40 with each paycheck from this tax cut, and opponents look at that and argue it doesn't have an impact.
Just today, one House Republican referred to this debate as "high-stakes poker." He’s right about the high-stakes, but he's dead wrong about the poker. This is not a game.
We know better -- $40 has tangible benefits for millions of families. Can you help us prove that point?
Tell us what your family will give up if your taxes increase. We'll highlight stories like yours publicly so that they're part of the debate here in Washington.
What does $40 mean to you?
What's missing here in Washington is your voice.
Too many just don't understand the perspective of a working family. They need to hear what it's like to be part of the middle class in this country.
Thankfully, there's still time to change the conversation. We have 11 days until taxes go up.
Send us your stories and we'll share them on Facebook and Twitter. We'll display what we received on WhiteHouse.gov. With your help, we'll put the middle class front and center.
Tell us what an extra $40 means to you and your family:
David Plouffe
Senior Advisor to the President


The White House, Washington
 Good afternoon --
Earlier this week, it looked like Congress would go home for the holidays without preventing a tax increase that would mean millions of American families would have about $40 less in each paycheck.
But then something pretty incredible happened.
It began when we asked everyone to show us how that missing $40 would affect them and their families. In a matter of hours thousands of vivid, powerful stories from Americans of all ages, all backgrounds, from every corner across the country were pouring in. For some, $40 means dinner out with a child who's home for the holidays. For others it means a tank of gas or a charitable donation. In just two days, tens of thousands of Americans were making their voices heard.
You spoke up. Your voices made all the difference.
Thanks to you, Congress reached an agreement to extend the payroll tax cut.  On top of that, vital unemployment insurance will continue for millions of Americans who are looking for work.
Yesterday I had the chance to meet a few of the folks who took to the web to make this happen.
Take a moment to hear what they had to say:
Watch the video.
We aren't done fighting for the middle class. When Congress returns, they need to keep working to reach an agreement that will extend this tax cut and unemployment insurance for all of 2012 -- without drama or delay.
That's just the beginning of our work ahead in the new year to put more Americans back to work, restore middle-class security, and ensure that folks who work hard and play by the rules get a fair shot.
More than ever I'm confident that, together, those are goals we can achieve.
Thank you, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays,
President Barack Obama